"Let me introduce you to the Optimum Preventative Back Care Program, a program I developed for people to forge a sturdy back and have more confidence that they can live pain and injury free"
Work With Local Trainers
Customize Your Program
Monitor Your Progress
Working with a personal trainer the Preventative Back Care Program begins with a free evaluation to determine your personalized strengthening program. Your personal trainer will monitor your progress throughout the program to make adjustments for maximum benefit.
Strengthens Key Muscles
Increases Back Stability
Patent Pending System
The Back Forge is a revolutionary patent pending product designed to target and strengthen the specific muscles related to back pain and injury. Surprisingly these muscles are nearly impossible to strengthen using other exercises that do not isolate them.
Learn How To Avoid Pain
Understand Your Back
Learn Effective Exercises
The online course included with the program teaches you how your back works, why it can be injured and cause pain, and what you can do to strengthen it and avoid injury and pain in the future. Simple, easy to follow videos give you the knowledge you need to live a back pain free life.
Join the OFS Preventative Back Care Program